My Projects

ML analysis of HDF5 data (NMF)

ML analysis of HDF5 data (NMF)

Denoising hyperspectral (HDF5) datasets of hybrid perovskite materials in Python, and using Scikit-learn and Nimfa to build unsupervised Non-negative Matrix Factorization models to extract image and spectral features

ML analysis of HDF5 data (VAE)

ML analysis of HDF5 data (VAE)

Training, validating, and analyzing unsupervised and semi-supervised variational autoencoder models of hyperspectral datasets of energy materials and of artificial datasets in Pytorch, demonstrating relationships between image and spectral features

Full stack personal blog

Full stack personal blog

Full stack web app built for Ruby Maghoney using React, Node.js, Express.js, and MySQL, deployed on a Digital Ocean droplet using an Nginx server

Sorting algorithm comparison

Sorting algorithm comparison

Comparing 8 sorting algorithms implemented and tested in 4 languages: Python, Java, C++, and JavaScript, and deploying the results displayed in Chartjs to a static web page

Searching algorithm comparison

Searching algorithm comparison

Comparing 3 searching algorithms implemented and tested in 4 languages: Python, Java, C++, and JavaScript, and deploying the results displayed in Chartjs to a static web page

Telegram Chat CC Parser

Telegram Chat CC Parser

Open source intelligence tool built in Python to parse JSON files exported from Telegram channels for credit/debit card information, built to aid response of leaked sensitive information and combat financial fraud

Do you have a project? I'd love to hear about it!

Software Engineer and Data ScientistHire Me